The Muskeni Literary Collection features novels from the mind of author Frank Muskeni. Get lost in tales of mythical creatures, the roaring twenties in New Orleans, a science experiment gone wrong, and a look at modern history through the eyes of Thomas Jefferson. The author invites you to come along with him and weave through the twists and turns of these thought provoking stories. All novels are available for purchase as e-books.

The Tale of the Bone Crusher - A Fairy tale for Grownups – $4.99

In Ireland in 1176, an ancient Gaelic monster called the “Toll" was set loose by the Druid gods of the Tathua De Dannan. This indestructible creature devoured many of the english invaders and instilled fear in King Henry II who was building his version of the London Bridge. This creature was finally captured, but could not be killed. The king declares "that it is to be entombed within the superstructure of my new bridge where it shall remain forever." And there it sat for more than 800 years.

Nawleens - A Novel About the Godfathers of New Orleans – $4.99

During the "Roaring Twenties" of the last century, New Orleans (or "Nawleens" as pronounced by its Cajun and Creole citizens) was a complex hotbed of politics, corruption and so much more. It was filled with colorful, seemingly larger than life characters like Governor Huey "Kingfish" Long who was in cahoots with the two major crime families in the French Quarter. It is of historical note that the Mafia established itself in New Orleans a full generation before it took root in New York or Chicago.


Primal Resurrection - The Beast Within Us – $4.99

Francis Kochis is haunted by guilt from his actions as a child that left his twin brother in a wheelchair. This brilliant young micro-biologist sets out to make his brother healthy once again. After much effort, the eccentric doctor discovers a way to re-activate primordial amino acids within dormant chains in human DNA. That extraordinary molecule is key to muscle and eventually spinal cord regeneration by activating what still remains of first our ape and eventually our amphibian ancestors' DNA.


What would happen if Thomas Jefferson could visit the United States today? What would he think of our country and our Government? An actual historical event joined Thomas Jefferson, the father of The Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin, the father of early electricity experimentation, Antoine Lavoisier, the father of Enlightenment Era Chemistry, and the mysterious physician, Anton Mesmer, considered the father of somnambulist hypnosis, animal magnetism, and clairvoyance. They were all thrust together in the strange matter of Marie Antoinette. The author researched this incident at the Library of Congress and verified the reports sent to King Louis by both Lavoisier and a separate report from Benjamin Franklin.



Welcome to the Muskeni Literary Collection

Frank muskeni is a putative scholar, an ex-seminarian, former business executive, entrepreneur and an ex-soldier. Hear what he has to say.
